Sunday, February 7, 2010

nothing on IFC

so I just listened to 4 hours of Andrew Loog Oldham from Bogata, Columbia again this Sunday afternoon....he is pretty interesting, when you can figure out what he is saying through his accent, or just plain strange diction and Brit pretty soon I can think about something for dinner.....and then maybe some news will be on before the Superduperbowl.....but local news is strange here on isn't always on....if there's any kind of sports at all going on, that will be on instead of any local feed....or sometimes there will just be some infomercial.....and then the national news from New York or's not like SoCal with six different high-powered news teams tag-teaming all day long....anyway, anyway.....the local newscasters are all pretty funky too....none of them could make it for more than two minutes on a big California station.....some of them can't even read apparently, and the mikes go on and off, and they can't seem to look at the right's prat-fall comedy news .....hmm, I just flicked on the channel guide, and, no local news showing this evening....

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