Friday, February 5, 2010

wintry mix

is what they call looks just like rain to me, but the radar shows freezing precipitation....and the weather service reports light snow right now in Clinton and Laurens.....just not right here maybe....or it's frozen in the clouds but melts as it comes down? Anyway, it was too cold and wet to walk this morning, so I drove and got a wet enough just from the porch to the car and back.....let's see.....last night I had country-style pork ribs and a sweet potato. Today looks like a good day for soup for lunch, but I don't think I have any in the cupboard, and I'm not going out in this just to get some, I don't think....


  1. Hi Steve, It is raining here too. Nothing like what you have experinced, but is raining. I am trying to think of a way to get you some taco fixings, what when we were back there and we went to a hole in the wall for mexican back in the day, I think you and Brian went there.

  2. I can make my own tacos OK, it's just that even the Taco Bell here doesn't seem to know how to do things right.....

  3. I am on my Shakes, ooooo, yhea, it is yummy, have to do it for 11 more weeks, but it is working...I here Mexican Food and my mouth waters....what are you having for lunch? I will have a Shake. Give me something Steve, make it mouth watering!

  4. for lunch Friday I had a leftover chicken wing that I heated up in the microwave, and a slice of wheat toast with swiss cheese melted on it...and a glass of wine. The chicken wing was not a little tiny bar food chicken wing, it was a local chicken wing, and they are huge....
