Wednesday, September 22, 2010

bills, groceries, newspaper

After paying bills online and going grocery shopping, there is still money left in the bank, enough to last until the next deposit, I think.....I got the weekly Clinton newspaper at the store, and have been reading about Act 388, which is the SC version of Prop was passed in 2006 I think, and lots of people would like to get rid of it.....the trouble is, rich people benefited the most from this tax "reform", so rich people don't want it touched....guess who is going to have their way.....also interesting in the paper was an article about rapid transit coming to the county.....there isn't any now, but they are in the early stages now of talking about some bus routes that might link up with other routes so you could go as far as Greenville, and maybe Clemson even.....just talk right now though, looks like.....another warm day here, but by early next week they are saying it will be more like Fall the roast in the crock-pot.....thinking about what to have for lunch.....

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