Monday, September 20, 2010

that took a while

but I got it done.....yesterday a guy at a stop light told me I had a brake light out, I thanked him as the light changed.....I've had a spare bulb in the glove box for a long time, so this morning I went ahead to change the bulb....I used the wand from the vacuum cleaner to brace between the driver's seat and the brake pedal, to see which side it was, since I hadn't thought to ask that at the stop was the driver's tools are in a mess, but eventually I found the right socket and the socket driver handle, since the bolts are recessed so you can't reach them with a wrench....and the bulb holder came out according to the instructions in the manual OK, but when I tried to twist the bulb so it would pop loose, it broke instead. So I had to go find needle-nose pliers to get the remains of the bulb out. But it all went back together and works now.

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