Sunday, June 23, 2013

no blog yesterday

I was busy.....mowed the back lawn and did laundry.....and Dave and Tree came by for GotoMeeting with the Santa Barbara brothers.....and we got my Weber kettle out of the shed and grilled some really good sweet corn from a local roadside produce stand.....and hot dogs....they had vegan, I had BallPark....I got pretty sweaty going for the paper early on.....bright sun and more humid than the last few days.....but now it's overcast and staying in the 70s so 4:30 in the morning I was in the kitchen getting a drink of water, and I could see the full moon shining big and bright.....but by the Eastern Daylight Time of the "Supermoon" at 7:32, it was daylight and the moon was behind the trees out the kitchen window anyway.....I still have an awful lot of cole slaw to consume.....have to work on that over the next few days......should do something with ground beef for supper, got plenty of that a pumpernickel patty melt with grilled onions and Swiss cheese.....I think there's swiss left in the fridge somewhere.....I'm going real slow today for some reason, but I don't have any hard schedule to adhere to so I'll continue slow and easy.....

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