Saturday, August 21, 2010

new toy

well, the chain saw I got a couple of weeks ago....this time I attached the telescoping handle to it, and sawed a couple of branches off this one tree, trying to get rid of some obstruction to the TV some more signal strength when I ran the diagnostics, but one satellite out of three still isn't up to par.....I can watch the movies if the weather is calm, but if there's lots of wind, the top of that tree moving around starts breaking things up. The saw is powerful enough to lop the top off that tree, but I'm not crazy enough to get up on a ladder and try to do it right now. Maybe in the Fall, after the leaves are gone, I'll be crazy, maybe when the leaves are off I'll be able to see what I'm doing, and there won't be the weight of the foliage there to make things more dangerous.....anyway, I made another big pile at the curb for the City to pick up on Tuesday, and, once again, I didn't cut myself working the chain saw, or fall down dragging stuff to the street....and it was cool enough to work this morning....

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