Tuesday, November 3, 2009

I didn't feel hungry at dinnertime

yesterday, so I just ate an apple and a chunk of cheese later on before going to bed. This morning I'm going to the library and the drug store. It was 39 point something when I went for the paper....clear sky, sunshine.....maybe CVS will have cashews on sale, they do have them quite often....I miss the raw nuts from Bate's.....


  1. oohh, we can send you some from Bate's, what would you like?

  2. raw cashews, raw almonds.....I saw a newspaper ad for some place in Easley called the Nut Warehouse....I should try to find Easley, it's around here somewhere....or I could just order from Bate's myself I suppose, if I got organized enough....should be lots of new pecans in the back yard pretty soon too....CVS did have a 20 oz. can of lightly salted roasted cashews for five bucks...got one of those while I was in there....
