Tuesday, November 17, 2009

more tuesday

Went for a walk and later had some lunch.....a corned beef burger with grilled onions and pickles....the grocery store ad comes with the Tuesday junk mail, and they have turkeys with your card and a $25 purchase for 49 cents a pound.....I'm not good at math, but isn't that five bucks for ten pounds? And if you buy the turkey on this deal, you get another 10 cents a gallon off at Shell. Damn, how can I afford NOT to buy the turkey, even if it will take me 'til Christmas to eat it all? I imagine I can find $25 of other stuff I can use....I'm thinking roasted turkey with apple and raisin corn bread stuffing, bourbon gravy, petit pois....and maybe dinner rolls....I can always use those later.....mashed potatoes and cranberry sauce I don't really need, for one person the whole nine yards is sorta overkill....

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