Wednesday, June 9, 2010

might take a nap

stayed up until midnight again watching the Lakers.....they won a tough one, see what happens Thursday ......did sort of a disorganized grocery trip this morning....couldn't think of meals to do....yesterday I didn't feel like cooking for some reason, so I drove across the tracks to KFC-Taco Bell, and got a livers meal. Do they have livers in California now too? For three bucks I got mashed potatoes and gravy, cole slaw,a biscuit, and a large pile of hot chicken livers.....the girl asked if I wanted the "senior drink" and I said OK.....looking at the ticket, a senior drink costs $0.00....OK....they give you the smaller cup, but it's all you can drink anyway....I got the sweet's up into middle 80's outside, but there's a squall line coming from the north-west on the radar, coming over the I bet it cools off later if that slants the right way to hit here.....


  1. I don't know about CA, but no chicken livers at KFC in OR. Darn it...

  2. I used to get Brian to bring home a pint of livers from Donahue's when he worked there.....KFC gave me darned near a pint with their meal....maybe I looked like a starving old man.....
