Saturday, February 9, 2013

friday taco nite

just like thursday taco nite.....that's OK, I made really good tacos....good enough was nice most of yesterday, could sit out on the edge of the front porch and crack pecans.....but later in the day it clouded over some and got chilly by the evening.....cold this morning, 28 windchill on the dawn patrol....I might crank the Jeep up and drive out to Ora in a few minutes, and then walk in the afternoon if it warms's still 34F outside now.....I didn't get much reading done yesterday, just couldn't get into it for some reason.....took an early afternoon nap instead of reading after lunch....sleeping on the sofa makes my back stiff though, so I have to stretch my lumbar some and then sort of stagger around until things get worked should be more warmish for a couple of days, and then a rainy middle of the week is predicted.....

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