Tuesday, May 29, 2012

cloudy, muggy

75F and 100% humidity makes for 77 heat index around 9 in the morning.....the tropical depression weather has it storming down around Augusta and Aiken, with a little blob on the radar spinning off towards here maybe....should be able to go walk in a few minutes without getting rained on I think.....but I'll be soaked in sweat by the time I get back I imagine....I had a chicken wing, three ribs, and a cob of white corn for supper Monday....they picked up the trash today, holiday schedule....egg on toast for breakfast.....might have breakfast for supper today, and then it's grocery day again....I need to scrub down the kitchen one day this week, so it doesn't gross out the kids when they visit.....maybe I can get the yard done on Thursday, after things dry out some.....I could have my mail held 6/4 to 6/8, stop by the P.O. and fill out a card....I got a free app on the iPad to get streaming France 24 news English service, so I can take my overseas evening news with me on "vacation".....might buy some ear-buds that work before next week....we should take a hot dish to the reunion but I don't know what.....escalloped potatoes with ham in a cheese sauce?

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