Tuesday, September 15, 2009

cleaning binge

I did go on a cleaning binge, armed with a spray bottle of generic citrus cleanser....it's cheap, and it works, and it smells fruity, not chemical. I can't stand the smell of Pine-Sol, which some people use....I think that's because once I ate at this place that smelled heavily of Pine-Sol, and whatever I ate gave me some terrible indigestion, so I was up all night running to the toilet....ever since then Pine-Sol makes me sick....also, it reminds me of elementary school....anyway, I scrubbed down and swept and mopped the bathroom and kitchen, and the woodwork through the house with handprints on it....and ran the vacuum on the carpet....and I even tried rubbing mink oil on the leather top of the coffee table, but I don't know if that accomplished much....and then I ate an apple, and later ate a cold chicken wing, a piece of bread and butter with black pepper, a small piece of swiss cheese, and a glass of wine for lunch. I read this thing once that said that the proper amount of cheese to have in a day was a piece the size of a matchbox.....I'm guessing a small match box, not a kitchen match box....the piece I had with lunch was about the size of half a small matchbox.....


  1. Yes I think a small matchbox of cheese sounds more resonable then a large matchbox of cheese.
    Maybe it was matchbook?
