Thursday, September 3, 2009


the white corn is very good....had some with dinner yesterday....walked over by the mill again this fine a thing in the mail to renew my AAA card, so I did that online. That was all that came in the mail today.....Tonight is the Gamecocks football opener, so people are wearing the colors looks like.....comes on at seven, will give me something to watch, other than old westerns on Encore.....


  1. Encore, old westerns, I think that is 205 , per channel, I never watch OW, I go around that to 201, 203,204,206,208,209....but I never watch channel 205, could be their is something on while I am at work, I used to like westerns, still see then at the movies from time to time....

  2. The Action Channel has old kung-fu movies sometimes....those are cool too...
