Wednesday, September 16, 2009

they had olive oil on sale

the kind I like, but when I was in the store I forgot to get it....I got apples, and generic citrus mouthwash, and some sirloin that was marked down.....and AA batteries because my kitchen clock kept telling the wrong time....and something else, I forget was drizzling when I went out shopping....there was a real light drizzle on my walk this morning too....last night I microwaved some of the enchilada's even better reheated, I think....tonight I'm going to have a bit of that sirloin, a sweet potato, and some peas....In the book I'm reading, the guy says that every work of art is an act of forgiveness....are we forgiving the awfulness of being thrown into this mess by creating some beauty? Don't know what he meant....maybe something like that.

1 comment:

  1. Enchillada Pie, that was it. I was trying to remember what else I was going to cook for dinners this week. I knew there was something I had planned.
