Sunday, April 10, 2011

late night light show

We had a brief heavy rainstorm pass over Clinton around supper time, and a heavier storm with thunder, lightning, hail, and tornado warnings kept going on north and east of here well into the night.....after 10 I was sitting out on the front porch with stars in the sky here, but with massive lightning going on due East and some miles away....couldn't hear the thunder, could just see the flashing in the distant went on for a long time, was still going on when I went in to go to sleep.....must have been over towards Union and Spartanburg.....this morning it's foggy and mid-50's, supposed to get into mid-80's later in the day......Sunday french toast breakfast.....and I'm thinking of birthday french toast breakfast tomorrow too, what the heck.....since I seem to remember that Jalisco is closed on Mondays, maybe my birthday treat meal could be lunch at Whiteford's with cheeseburger, onion rings, and a chocolate malt....I think they have onion rings....and maybe I can find German chocolate cake at the grocery store bakery, pigging out once a year can't be too bad.....last year I bought a pecan pie.....haven't had any sweets since Christmas....

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