Monday, October 19, 2009

55.5 degrees F

By 1 in the afternoon it had warmed up enough to be comfortable taking a walk around the park....had grilled cheese sandwich and fritos for lunch, with a glass of wine....a variation from the chili dogs....played guitar for maybe one hour around noon, jamming with the radio from outer I could take a nap, or read some......


  1. Cool and overcast here, Cory is getting some Thai food take out from the Thai food / Donut shop in Charleston for dinner. Been eating soup all weekend. Swine flu is going around, Dr's here say anyone with Flu symptoms has swine flu, as it it too early for seasonal ful. Cory had a fever all weekend, I banished him to the basement.

  2. They are saying on the news that there is relatively low risk of H1N1 right now in South Carolina, not many cases.....Thai donuts?
