Wednesday, March 16, 2011

St. Patrick's Eve

I went ahead and bought the smallest corned beef brisket they had in the meat case.....I'll be having corned beef and swiss sandwiches for lunch for a while.....I still have pot roast to use up too.....and I got an 8 0z. ribeye, and asparagus, lima beans, apples, mac-and-cheese, and they had beef link sausages brown-n-serve 10 links in a box for a buck a box, so I got two ten cents a link I figure 20 cents for a couple of sausages with my french toast on a Sunday is well worth it.....they'll keep in the was still dang cold out grocery shopping.....41 windchill, clouded over, misty fog.....hopefully it will burn off some later for a more comfortable walk after lunch.....right now I've got the weekly Clinton paper to read .....Clinton Elementary won some kind of national award for their "cluster" style of teaching, whatever that is.....they say teachers come from all over to see how it works......Clemson won last night, and goes on to play again Thursday in the Big Dance.....

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