Saturday, March 19, 2011

well, it did get as warm as yesterday

up to 81 anyway....went for a walk over towards that big pawn shop a couple of blocks away by the train tracks....but it wasn't open, closes earlier on Saturdays....they have a whole wall of guitars in the back room, so I go over there three or four times a year to see if there's anything interesting.....across the old highway from the pawn store there's a place that used to be a pool hall, but it closed a while there was a guy there painting a sign out front that says Good Cents Bargain Store......bunch of weird junk inside mostly.....old color TV's for twenty bucks, old stereo speakers.....nothing interesting to me......if you had just rented a trailer and wanted to furnish it dirt cheap you could look there I guess....been there, done that.....

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