Wednesday, June 1, 2011

breeze from the north

makes it bearable on the front porch.....for a little while.....heat index of 95 outside, but still OK inside.....fixed a wasabi mustard and mayo burger with pickle slices for lunch....forgot to buy an onion, for the second time....oh well, I did pick up a jar of those bread-and-butter pickle slices which I like.....I've got good library books to read, so I've been reading this afternoon mostly, with a break jammin' on the latest guitar for a half hour or said on the news the other night that in this "dangerous" heat and humidity the elderly might want to not over do it with their usual exercise....cut back some in this weather was the advice...but I still feel somewhat guilty about not getting all my walking done.....well, I walked around in the grocery store I guess....I did remember to get more peanuts (unsalted) ....the pickles said they were unsalted too.....I didn't know they were ever salted, just pickled.....what do I know....

1 comment:

  1. ok so I looked at how to make the pickles and brine can be part of the process, which implies salt I suppose....but there are plenty of bread-and-butter recipes with no salt mentioned.....
