Thursday, June 16, 2011

lots of rain last night

it rained for hours, after the storm front blew through.....38,000 customers without power around Greenville, but I didn't have any electrical problems.....overcast and cool this morning, chances of showers all day.....I ran the vacuum yesterday, but I've already tracked in more little pieces of grass ....from the walks I guess....I did a good mopping of the kitchen too.....seared some rib-eye in olive oil and black pepper for supper....with mac-n-cheese and lima beans....put a little of that wasabi-horseradish-mustard on the steak.....the bbq pork sandwich worked for lunch, so I'll do that again today.....and this evening I might do a chicken taco salad.....breakfast was the poached egg on toast....eggs were a buck a dozen at the store this week.....but the over-all grocery bill keeps inflating, despite what the government says about there being no inflation....paid a couple of bills this I was coming back from the park walk I saw the mail truck, so I guess I could go see if I got anything....probably not.....

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