Thursday, July 5, 2012


they planted a few trees around the edges of the new parking lots.....they put drip hose around them, but this heat wave looks like it's killed them.....more brown leaves than green leaves .....maybe they'll revive.....this morning as I was going for the paper I stopped and talked to the older neighbor who is out walking sometimes.....he said that the land that's now the church parking lot used to be a brick-yard......and the vacant lot next to the auto body shop used to have a grist mill on it.....the mill-stone used to lie there at the corner a long time after the mill building was gone.....there's a mill-stone over in front of the museum now, but he didn't think it's the same one.....and there was a saw-mill over on the north side of town where the company got the lumber to build the mill village houses.....all yellow pine is what they used.....the company used to turn the electricity off after nine at night, way back when.....they gave you the water and power....there weren't any meters until the City took over services.....It's hot and muggy this morning, so I'm wrestling with the idea of going out walking some more.....I might just stay inside, or go sit out back in the shade.....the food bank over at the corner is closed this week, and a sign on the door says there will be no USDA food day on the second Wednesday like there usually is....don't know what's going on with that.....

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