Thursday, July 12, 2012

will it start raining

if I go out and start cutting the grass in the back yard? It rained again in the middle of the night, so the grass is damp....but there's a wind, so maybe it's drying up enough to cut....tough's cool enough for working anyway, low 70s this morning.....might only get to low 80s today.....I had chicken fried steak, biscuit and gravy, and cut green beans I'll do a small piece of rib-eye, a handful of scallops, and an unknown veggie side....maybe curried cream corn? Reading online, you have to make sure the scallops are patted dry before you put them in the iron skillet with the olive that they sear nicely, instead of steaming at all....if they are wet and steam, then that's when they end up chewy like an eraser or something.....these are small scallops, they should sear quickly.....didn't have to run the AC Wednesday at all....probably won't need it today either....the meter reader will be around soon....

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