Wednesday, August 5, 2009

2nd inning

 I was flipping through the channels and found the Braves at the Padres.....the Padres are already down 3-0 in the 2nd.....and the dang stadium looks like it's empty!  It's a day game....but still, are they doing that lousy? I suppose they are....all I do is look in the paper and see that the Dodgers and the Angels are still in first, and then wait until almost the end of the season to follow it any closer.  Cool here now with the windows open and a rained at around five or so, and brought down the heat.  I was out on the front porch looking at the rain, and the lady across from the front of the church came out to walk her dog like she does every day.  It's a real old dog that goes real slow....the lady is pretty old too....but, anyway....she had an umbrella, and was trying to get the dog to walk with her under the umbrella....she doesn't use a leash, and the dog usually just wanders around sniffing things as they walk along.  But today she kept calling the dog to come to her, and it would come and sit, which would be the normal drill.  But then she would start walking again, and the dog would start wandering....and then they would do the whole thing over.  They only got about a block and she gave up and went back to the house.  I don't think  the dog cared at all about the rain, anyway.

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