Tuesday, August 11, 2009


It said in the paper this morning that someone had done research that shows that swearing when you stub your toe does in fact ease the pain.....ain't science wonderful?  (Profanity) hot again here today.....don't think bad language will ease the heat though.  %&*@# it all.  Another day to stay indoors, in other words.  On the food front, the sourdough bread makes tasty toast to top with my morning poached egg.  Plenty of food in the fridge, so I don't have to go out in the heat and forage......


  1. farmer boy : Freach Toast Special, 1 slice of freach toast, two eggs (over med) and two bacon...

  2. no bacon since Brian was here around the first of May....I bought some country bacon at the Curb Market so he could experience it...it's thick slices of cured pork shoulder, it cooks up nasty and chewy and gnarly and tasting like the inside of a smokehouse....wonderful stuff....if you only eat it once or twice a year!
