Thursday, August 27, 2009


I guess I'll fix meat and two for supper....pork chop, fried apple, and cornbread again. When I make cornbread it takes a few days to finish off, but it will keep just sitting out....gets better maybe....I make it thin, maybe one inch instead of two.....W.B. would complain if the cornbread was too thick or at all moist in the middle...he would throw it down on his plate and say "What is this, cake?" W.B. was always such a charming man. When I went out to the mountain man thing at Mesa Verde one year, they had the black-powder shooting and stuff like that, and they fixed some hoe-cake with lunch.....they took real thick corn batter and put it on a wide old hoe and set it in over the oak coals....and it didn't take long to cook......oak smoked cornbread.....

1 comment:

  1. hoe-cake, I recall the hoe-cake, twas deep in the south, the real south, a man or a women who was not white, after chopping what the had to chop got to fixing a hoe-cake, it was as you said, a fire was made and the batter was poured out over it.....
