Friday, October 19, 2012

just a walk in the park

another fine Fall morning for it.....also went to the library, even though it's not my usual day....'cause I was done with my books.....found something more for a stopped by the empty returning coal train on the way over....I guess if they close some of the coal-fired power plants like they are talking about maybe those trains won't run?  This is the time of year when acorns drop loudly on top of your car as you drive along in front of the college.....I'm going to vacuum, take a shower, wash a load of laundry, eat lunch in there some time.....there's various leftovers for supper this chow mien.....going to be sunny and around 70 mostly.....pretty soon I can take a drive out through the forest and look at the colors of the don't have to go far out of town to be in the middle of all the electric, water, trash bill this morning and paid it online.....not bad for September since I didn't have to run the AC at all and the heating only came on one or two of the colder nights we had....

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