Monday, December 17, 2012

hamburger steak

that's what I'll make....I can use the ground beef I stuck in the freezer last week, when I used the rest in the enchilada pie.....I've done this before, it's like meatloaf done in a frying pan....I have the sweet onion, and can kick it up a notch with cilantro.....the rice and green beans can be the sides, same as with the rib-eye Sunday night.....I watched a lot of NFL yesterday, as it rained a lot outside....the vacant lot next door is mud, with a big puddle in the middle.....100% chance of more rain today, says one source.....the light bulb in the kitchen burned out, so I stole the one off the back porch....couldn't find any spares when I go over to the library right now I'll go next door to Fred's and get some curly bulbs.....this weather is coming from the South, so it's not really very cold this morning....mid-50s, should get into the 60s later.....the central heat hasn't kicked on in a couple days, but I have used the space heaters in the living room and bedroom to take the chill off some.....I made three taquitos with cheese and beans for Sunday lunch, today back to the chili dog and Fritos.....

1 comment:

  1. Good thing I didn't try to get in a walk after getting back from the library....I would of been rained on.....maybe half an inch expected locally today....
