Friday, December 21, 2012

Winter begins

and it's doing a good job of it so far.....wind chill of 28 on the sunrise walk.....12mph wind from the west, some branches down on Pitts St, and Academy....lights were flickering on and off some about the time I went to bed last night.....the wind came after the rain front went through.....some real downpours after suppertime while I was watching TV.....solstice at 6:12 AM for this longitude, so I was still in bed and didn't do any like solstice dance or did not end?   sometimes it's hard to might all just be an illusion anyway.....the skillet meal with bratwurst and etcetera worked well, will fix that again some time....might do the roast beef's too dang windy and nippy outside to walk again right now....the heater is working to keep it warm inside.....


  1. Well the washer came in and I went and checked it out and paid for it and it should be delivered around ten Saturday morning.....I actually have plenty of clean things to last for weeks, but I just wanted to get a problem off my's a spiffy looking thing, with a digital brain instead of the old
    wind up timer like the old machine....

  2. As regards the roast beef....I watched the temp carefully and got it out of the oven just the way I like it.....not overdone or underdone .....made good gravy.....
