Saturday, June 2, 2012


cooler today, mid-50s this morning.....high of 77 called for.....and cooler predictions for the coast...last week I read mid-90s for Charleston this coming week, but today's paper has mid-80s shown for Monday and Tuesday in the Grand Strand Forecast.....I woke up thinking it was Sunday, but it's only Saturday so I still have plenty of time to finish organizing myself enough to actually go out and do something beyond my normal to Charleston and deal with a short period of city life....I'll make a trip to the store and get drinks and power bars for in the car.....and batteries.....I got some ear-buds at the gas station this morning when I got the paper, the only headphones I could find in the house have a short in the left side now, that comes and goes.....looks like all I need to take will go in my old overnight bag OK, enough for three nights away from home.....not much traffic out on Broad St. when I went over that some cash out of the ATM when I walked by the bank.....had a slaw burger for lunch yesterday, that worked...

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