Friday, June 15, 2012

more north wind

keeping it cooler.....66F, 88% rain predicted....they had a good crowd over at the street dance, I stayed about an hour.....this band played some of the same songs as the last band...."beach music" standards I guess.....and a lot of the songs are what you'd expect from any bar band playing music to dance to.....think 50s and 60s jukebox......the free BBQ sandwich was alright, sort of dry, but they did have sauce you could squirt on.....I had already had supper anyway, just wanted to see what their smoked pork was could hear music 'til almost ten.....I stayed up late finishing a library book, and slept OK I guess.....I need to get a battery for the kitchen smoke detector, 'cause it's started doing that thing where it peeps every few minutes, to drive you nuts until you put in a fresh 9's disassembled on the kitchen table right now....that made it shut up.....I can have steak dinner tonight I guess.....some day I should wash the car.....

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