Wednesday, November 30, 2011
ice on the windshield
freezing on the sunrise walk......on the street that a lot of people use to avoid the busy intersection where the highways cross the crossing arm was down and the red lights were flashing.....but there wasn't any train.....maybe the school bus drivers know who to call about that....they have the Christmas lights up on the lamp poles now.....Thursday night they will have the lighting of the Christmas tree.....and carriage rides on Broad Street.....or maybe they use some side's going to be around the freezing point overnight the rest of the week probably, so I could stop at the Shell station and fill up, and pour in a bottle of the gasoline de-icer too......regular should be under $3 with my Bi-Lo points.....$2.85 I the market I think I'll get wieners and buns, and sauerkraut.....for lunches, I've had enough turkey sandwiches.....tomorrow I'll fix turkey stew in the crock-pot, just let it go all day in there.....with corn, green pepper, onion, oregano.....what else? Chili powder? Today should get into the 50's by the afternoon, instead of the 40's like yesterday.....I might wait and see if it looks better for walking then, 'cause it's still dang cold here this morning.....36 or so......
Tuesday, November 29, 2011
cold damp afternoon
barely got into the 40's.....I've been staying inside with the electric fire, reading strange novels.....playing guitar some.....listening to the stereo.....took a nap after lunch I was very brisk on the park walk before lunch.....on the radar it looks like some snow coming down in the mountains north of here......
yesterday in Birmingham
November snow for the first time since 1950......but the dip in the jet stream didn't get to the Upstate, so no snow here, wasn't that cold.....just lots of rain, some worries about the creek rising in the higher country.....down into the 30's overnight, won't get out of the 40's here today.....I made a curried turkey salad sandwich for lunch yesterday.....bought a loaf of wheat bread, used the last slice of rye this morning with my poached egg.....watched three episodes of DS9 last night....there was one story-line that went for three shows.....on 3rd Rock I watched the Christmas show.....and I saw the Thanksgiving show late last week.....nothing like an alien view of your own society to clarify matters.....I'm going to need the wool cap and scarf for the park walk looks like....there might be more rain coming this afternoon?
Monday, November 28, 2011
starting to rain
and on the radar it looks like a lot could be coming up from Florida over the next few maybe I'll stay in and clean house some instead of trying to take another walk.....the streets were damp when I went for the paper, but it wasn't raining right up to 70 yesterday.....stayed around 60 in the house overnight, haven't had to run the heater much lately.....I need to go out sometime for a loaf of bread......
Sunday, November 27, 2011
turkey salad sandwich
just like a chicken salad sandwich, but with diced up turkey breast meat.....and mayo and sweet pickle relish.....on lightly toasted rye time I might do it with mayo and curry powder....I'm low on snack mix, but I think I have enough for Sunday afternoon "James Gang Radio" fed into Pandora on the big speakers.....might crank up the red SG pretty soon.......the Guitar Player came a couple of days ago....the cover story is 34 electric guitars for under $499.....some cool things in that article......I keep looking at that Kindle Fire on works where there's Wi-Fi? My discount store denim jacket has these big inside pockets, like pouches.....the gadget could ride around in there.....if I needed one ........
ham on rye french toast
the last thin slice of deli ham......59 on the early walk, storm clouds to the south-east, and wind from that direction.....but no sprinkles here yet......stayed up until 11 last night listening to Tigers-Gamecocks on the radio, I don't pay for ESPN anymore.....actually the game was streaming online, but it was pretty was easier to put up with.....leftover turkey dinner last night, of course.....same thing for today, I imagine.....turkey sandwich will be lunch, turkey for breakfast anyway, have to draw the line somewhere.....Carolina Panthers will be on TV this afternoon, but since they have only won two games so far I think I'll watch Bills-Jets instead, they are both at 5-5........and still have a chance for the might rain starting tonight and on through Monday night, seems to be what the newspaper says.....
Saturday, November 26, 2011
"Freddy, I want to live my life."
"You must learn to live the life of the mind."
"And talk to plants?"
"Do you know why I talk to plants, Fredericka?"
"Why?" she asked.
"They listen."
from Freddy and Fredericka .......Mark Helprin.
ten degrees warmer
on the sunrise walk, than yesterday.....because of the cloud blanket? But it's not warming up very fast, for the same reason I suppose......I'll go out for the park walk in a few minutes.....looks like this afternoon there's Alabama-Auburn......Georgia-Georgia Tech isn't in the local TV listings, which I find odd......I cleaned some odds and ends out of the fridge, so there's nothing much in there but Thanksgiving leftovers and condiments....and some orange juice......and eggs.....but I'm good until grocery day I think.....I got a 3 litre box of California merlot when I was in Walmart, to see if it's any better than the 5 litre box variety.....can't tell much difference.....the price comes out about the same per litre......hardly any traffic this weekend out walking, the town looks deserted pretty much......
Friday, November 25, 2011
a lot of turkey
and it came perfect out of the oven, in my unbiased was easy to get it all off the bones when I was cleaning up after eating....ate early 'cause it was done and now I have containers of gravy and stuffing in the fridge, another of white meat, and a bag of dark meat which can go into a stew with brown rice, corn, onion, bell pepper.....what else? Figure that out grocery day......anyway, now my lunches switch to turkey sandwiches, that's for sure.....
that strange friday
after turkey day.....long ago we always started a Monopoly game on this day....there's some football on later I guess.....the Dallas-Miami game last night actually got interesting for a while....I've got a turkey in the oven, with sweet onion and cornbread stuffing, spiced up's going to warm up and be another great looking day......I finished one library book last night and started another one that is starting off interesting....and it's a big thick one that could last a few my walking done.....35 on the first one, 54 on the second, some north sure is quiet around here, maybe the neighbors are all over the river and through the woods somewhere.....except the one guy who is always out on his front porch drinking beer when he isn't at work....he's out already....when the sun is to the south like this time of year it hits right on that porch pretty good......there used to be two guys there, but the other one went away I suppose.....still two chairs there, on either side of the front door......or maybe he is still there but never comes out of the house anymore? a's getting too warm in the living room to need this sweater on.....
Thursday, November 24, 2011
detailed food report
let's see.....turkey, dressing, gravy, green beans, rolls, cole slaw, hash-brown casserole, sweet potato casserole, mac-and-cheese, congealed salad, lemon merinque pie, sweet potato pie, pumpkin pie, cookies, snack mix, sweet tea.....I know I'm forgetting something.....all perfectly done and very tasty......pleasant company and conversation.....a good Thanksgiving.....going to watch some news and some football .....if I can keep my eyes open much longer.....
clear and colder
pretty crisp out on the early walk.....not much left of the newspaper after I took out the black-friday ads.....I'm certainly not going near a store tomorrow......yesterday I had something a little different for lunch, ham and fried egg on rye toast, with mayo.....BBQ chicken and beans for now the fridge is pretty empty except for the thawing turkey......which will go in the oven Friday morning, or maybe around noon by Saturday the fridge will have leftovers in it....I'll probably end up making a stew and cornbread some time next week.....the City crews got started the other day putting up the Christmas street decorations.....I think the parade always ends up being the same day as the one in Laurens, except here it is in the morning, and there it is in the the crazy guys in the funny hats with the little go-karts can kill two birds with one stone, as it were? I should look in the closet for something half-way decent to wear over to Thanksgiving dinner....something besides faded blue-jeans and a sweatshirt, my usual costume this time of year.....khaki slacks and a flannel shirt?
Wednesday, November 23, 2011
beautiful morning
after a large rain spell in the middle of the night.....the City was trying to get leaves out of the gutter yesterday with their trucks, so they wouldn't clog the storm-drains.....worked most places looks like, except right in front of the church on Academy, where a lot of that pine-straw they use as mulch under bushes stopped the drain and made a flooded sidewalk.....happens at that spot a lot.....real nice for walking, in the 60's with some wind, broken clouds.....Thanksgiving Day should be sunny, mild.....maybe down into the 30's overnight.....on the early walk everything looked deserted, light traffic and no school busses.....they take a five day weekend? We had to go to school the day before Thanksgiving, as best I can recall.....back in the old days......I got a tin of Original Gourmet Christmas cookies to take over tomorrow, so as not to arrive totally empty-handed.....I got the tin with Venice on it.....gondolas, St. Mark's Square in the background? I got that one because I remember having that exact same tin back around 1958 or so....when I was in Cub Scouts.....I kept my Cub Scout pocket knife, pennies, pebbles, sea shells, whatever stuff like that in it.....I can only surmise it's meant to depict Christmas in Italy.....the other tins have Santa's sleigh and more usual such images.....I looked online and it seems the company has been selling the tins since 1938.....did the Scouts sell them as a fund-raiser one year, or is it some school organization I'm thinking of.....the P.T.A. or band or whatever? When Caroline was in school they sold those huge holiday decorated tins of popcorn, various flavors.....
Tuesday, November 22, 2011
high humidity
mid-50's.....80% chance of rain tonight.....might have rained just a little last night, thought I heard some once ......I dozed off for a few minutes during the evening news, what with a gut full of beef it will be back to chicken leg quarter, mac-and-cheese, green beans....or peas.....don't know what for Wednesday, but Thursday I'm invited over to Cindy and Matt's for turkey I'll cook my own turkey Friday....I think that's what I did last year too.....I didn't get any pecan pie, though I still could.....I'm sure there will be desserts at the family thing.....but I should probably stick to my no-sweets-in-this-house rule.....if they ain't here, yuh can't eat 'em.....I'll keep making high-fiber no fructose no salt snack mix for TV watching.....I watched a Kurosawa flick last night I'd never even heard of before.....three hours was a good one, I forget the name of it, but it's the one where a warlord dies and the clan replaces him with a got up to 77 yesterday.....
Monday, November 21, 2011
reduced visibility
foggy early on, couldn't see all the way down the block.....but not very cold, 60 or it's burned off to just some high clouds, and 64 for the park walk.....went to the library, and went to the store and got a 12 lb. Butterball for 12 bucks.....when I'm more organized I'll go back and get a box of stuffing and whatever else....maybe pecan pie and whipped cream, really go hog wild for the Holiday.....just for myself all I make is the turkey, stuffing, gravy, peas....that's plenty.....turkey and stuffing sandwiches for lunches is what convinced me to go ahead and fix a bird again this year.....might warm up another 10 degrees by the afternoon, might not need to run the heat much this week.....
Sunday, November 20, 2011
it is sunday
I woke up thinking it was Monday, but it's not......52 degrees and a light drizzle.....a few showers coming up from Georgia on the radar.....the last time I saw a weather forecast on TV they were saying no rain until Tuesday.....this must have snuck up on 'em......looks like a lot of rain over by Nashville......looks like rain in California too? I made my french toast with brandy in the egg batter this I was fixing the toast I was wondering why the sausage wasn't starting to was because I hadn't turned the burner on....that would explain the cold frying pan.....anyway, did get breakfast cooked eventually, and it was tasty.....walked for the paper and sat down and went through it......the Walmart ad has computers and TV's damn cheap, it looks like to me....."while supplies last"......I think to use up some of that steak in the fridge I'll do curried beef fried rice with peas this evening.......a meal in a bowl kind of case it didn't make your local news, the Blue Hose won their football finale 45-14, and the mens' hoops upset #20 Cincy Bearcats with a late three-pointer.....and the female Hose hoops won also.....Gamecocks won, Clemson blew they play each other next week in The Big Game, going in with identical 9-2 records.....there will be plenty of gridiron hoopla in this neck of the woods Thanksgiving week.....maybe I'll get a turkey after all.....I've got to go over there to the library in the morning anyway.....then it would have plenty of time to defrost in the fridge.....
Saturday, November 19, 2011
Saturday, clouded over, cold
but no rain predicted until Tuesday.....will stay in the 50's today.....the Gamecocks are only on PPV, so to see them I'd have to go to the bar.....which is an idea, but I doubt I'll follow through on it.....too lazy and cheap to actually get out and do something like that.....and Clemson is on ABC, which I don't pick up on my antenna at all....I think it comes from Raleigh NC, the closest ABC station? If I watch any football this afternoon it will probably be Georgia Tech......let's see....for supper I can do BBQ chicken leg quarter, mac-and-cheese, green beans......still working on that deli ham for lunch meat.....still have some sausage for Sunday all on an even keel through another weekend......
Friday, November 18, 2011
what I was thinking I could get at Walmart as I was falling asleep last night....a doormat, or welcome-mat, whatever you call it....I got one that doesn't say anything, so I guess it's just a doormat...they had one that said "Got Dirt?"......anyway, I've been wanting one for a while because I keep tracking stuff off the lawn into the house....maybe I can remember to wipe my feet....and I got a couple of other things while I was over there.....never did warm up much today, though it looked sunny ......lots of people out shopping it seemed.....guess the Season is at hand....the guy behind me at the check-out had a cart with two frozen turkeys in it....nothing else.....
cold, clear, bright, windy
lots of frost on the roof-tops this morning, and on the lawns.....bundled up good for the early walk.....trying to decide whether to go out again now or wait 'til it gets warmer.....34 with the windchill still.....I fixed some green beans with a little ham to flavor them up.....and a chicken leg quarter and the last of that batch of cornbread.....not a bad little bit of supper.....this evening it will probably be steak and chili-beans.....they say it might be up around 70 before Thanksgiving Day......but only mid-50's here today as the high......I might take a Walmart trip later, maybe in the afternoon.....if I can remember why I was thinking of doing was for something or other.....
Thursday, November 17, 2011
"Oh dear,
you of all people must recognize a substition when you're possessed by it? It's the opposite of a superstition: it's real even if you don't believe in it. My mother taught me that; she was a goblin." from Snuff by Terry Pratchett.....
funnel clouds
were spotted yesterday evening over near the high school in Laurens.....on the TV the weather man was showing how the cells were heading north-east through the county at 50 mph.....I guess later they touched down about 40 or 50 miles from here, near Rock Hill, killing three people and injuring others.....there was one report of tornado debris near Ora last night but I didn't read anything confirming that yet this the bad stuff slid north of Clinton, it wasn't even raining here as the worst of it went was raining hard around breakfast time, so I didn't do my early morning walk, maybe I can get out some in a while.....I fixed pork-fried rice for supper Wednesday, with cut green beans.....just a little curry powder goes a long ways....I'll start on the chicken leg quarters tonight.....I should have bought an onion while I was at the store.....I always forget something.....I did remember more oregano.....opened the new can of coffee this morning.....I'm using honey wheat bread for my poached egg on toast in the morning, and rye bread at lunch for grilled ham and cheese of both's fairly warm again today, but going to get to low 30's overnight they say....
Wednesday, November 16, 2011
got wet getting groceries
but not soaked or anything.....on the radar it looks like another front is on the way for later today....coming through Birmingham about now..... it's all good for the crops....except growing season is pretty much over....but we need the groundwater....creeks and lakes are low.....over in Laurens I found the drive-up to pay taxes, but nobody was at the window...then finally I saw the button that said "Call".....and beeped that and the lady came and took my was raining pretty hard on that drive over there....folks drive funny in the rain, got to watch out for yourself I at the store I got chicken leg quarters and some top-round steak....and the coffee.....peas, cut green beans, pintos in chili sauce, and some good sized cheap plastic storage bowls so I could use one to hold my own snack mix made of cereal and nuts.....I'm trying to add more fiber snacks....well, purely fiber snacks would be the good something in the mail from the bank verifying my CD transaction, that was all the mail.....
walked between showers for the newspaper
one shower had just stopped when I left the house, and it started up again as I was sitting down to read the paper....."numerous showers and thunderstorms" is the forecast.....but it's warm....66 when I went now I'm going to go pay property tax, and then circle back by the supermarket and see what looks's still raining, but my windshield wipers work.....
Tuesday, November 15, 2011
77 degrees, overcast
that seems to me like pretty warm for the middle of November.....I'm not complaining....the big bunch of rain is still up in Kentucky, but I guess it's coming this way big excitement today was after lunch when the FedEx lady brought me my new I spent most of the afternoon playing with works great....see photo below......don't I have enough guitars already? nah, don't think so.....if you want to play along with AC/DC you clearly need some sort of SG machine.....that's my flimsy now I'm wondering about supper....and I guess I'll do corned-beef hash with an egg poached in the middle and a chunk of leftover cornbread......the word "corn" is in both of those.....good enough......
indian summer-ish
a brief warm spell after the first frost anyway.....might get to 74 in the middle of the afternoon.....the trees are rapidly losing their colorful Fall leaves and becoming just plain Winter bare....suppose their's nothing surprising in that, just one more year wheeled many more are there? hate to think about it......I need some ideas for the grocery store Wednesday morning.....I could get a chicken to roast maybe.....or turkey sausage.....something to remember to get the coffee, it's almost gone.....
Monday, November 14, 2011
warmer today
comfortable on the early walk, should get up around 70 in the afternoon.....might rain by Wednesday.....finished off the mashed potatoes and gravy last night, with a pork chop and the last of the today I'll do something with pintos and cornbread.....I might not even need a jacket for the park walk, a sweater might be enough.....watched a lot of football again, went to bed at half-time of the night game....looked like the Pats were going to win, which they did.....the Carolina and Georgia teams didn't do any good......10 days until Thanksgiving? The newspaper says ".....time is running out. Family and friends will be descending upon your home in a few days for the Thanksgiving Feast." It's an article with clever house-cleaning tips......I don't think I have to worry much about that......
Sunday, November 13, 2011
football weather
cold gray morning.....nice and chilly and gloomy outside, so one must stay inside where it's warm and watch sports on TV......this afternoon there will be Falcons-Saints and then Giants-49ers on into the evening.....and Pats-Jets if I'm still awake ? College games were interesting yesterday, with Cocks and Tigers winning close ones.....and here in Clinton the Mighty Hosers thumped VMI.....Keydets? Enough of that......the honey wheat bread worked well for Sunday french toast, with OJ, black coffee, country sausage.....I think I'll select "Supertramp Radio" for Sunday morning stereo, sounds like the right mood to me for today.....sometime this coming week I could go over to the courthouse and pay property tax, get that done with.....should be warmer Monday....wind swinging around to ESE instead of that cold north wind....might get into the 70's....up from the 60's today.....
Saturday, November 12, 2011
about like yesterday morning
maybe two or three degrees warmer.....but should get up into the 60's in the afternoon instead of staying in the 50's.....probably no frost Saturday night.....VMI football team plays PC here today, and after that game they have some kind of big-screen thing at the stadium that they will use to show the PC basketball team playing at Duke....playing with the big boys.....I'll be watching the Gamecocks play the Gators.....I think I get that channel.....I know I don't get the Clemson game....except maybe on the computer screen.....and there's some other college football on in the evening, I forget what right now.....for supper I'm thinking of the other half of the rib-eye, pintos, and cornbread.....sounds good to me.....the cornbread mix I like was two for a buck this week at the's still windchill of 34 outside right now.....well, that reading comes from the airport which is 4 or 5 miles away.....but it's probably pretty accurate for I'll have to bundle up good for another walk, or maybe wait and see if it warms up some a little later? The newspaper ads are full of Thanksgiving fixings.....haven't decided yet whether to bother with cooking a turkey this year or not.....
Friday, November 11, 2011
ski jacket morning walk
sunny bright blue skies, but a windchill factor of 25 up around 5 and turned on the central heat.....went into the kitchen for a glass of water and the full moon was lighting it up through the window over the sink.....went back to bed until was warm enough by now I'm considering how many layers to wear for the park walk.....I should use up the last bit of hamburger for lunch in a patty melt.....then I can start on ham and cheese sandwiches for a while, with the thin sliced deli ham and honey wheat bread.....for supper I can have a pork chop, taters 'n' gravy, kernel corn.....looking for a high of 53 this afternoon.....Bob Seger and the Silver Bullet Band are playing tonight in $45-$70.....that's how musicians make money these days since nobody buys records anymore? Says he's 66 years old.....must be...I could feed "Bob Seger Radio" into Pandora and see what comes out of the speakers....
Thursday, November 10, 2011
couple of hours later
it was coming down pretty good when I went in to do my banking.....talked to Sally and moved some money around as best I could.....and by the time we were finished it was only drizzling back at the house I went out to walk around the park in a light mist.....sat on the porch to eat my apple, enjoying the fresh air.....just enough moisture to keep the eaves dripping slowly.....I still have the makings for a quesadilla, might do that for lunch....and use up a few of those olives in the fridge still.....this looks like one of those days where if I start reading a library book I'll just start nodding's so dim, overcast, quiet.....and the eaves dripping....wouldn't that put you to sleep?
light rain
but it's not very cold....55 degrees this morning, but they say it will go down to freezing tonight as a cold front moves into the I drove over to get the newspaper....and I'll drive over to the bank if it's still raining around 9.....I'll talk to them about that CD....interest rates are so low it really doesn't make much difference what I do with it.....some people are saying just go ahead and spend money now while it's still worth something.....before inflation starts eating it up in the next economic disaster.....before China adjusts the yuan and there are no more bargains on imports from over there......before they start collecting sales tax on's starting to rain harder.....I guess I could do rib-eye steak, mashed potatoes, gravy.....and corn....for supper today....finished up the stuffing and all that yesterday.....I got honey wheat bread this time around....for lunch sandwiches and breakfast cheddar cheese was on sale, so I got that ......the natural gas bill came yesterday and it wasn't too bad for the first month when I fired up the heater some.....
Wednesday, November 9, 2011
68F, some overcast
so I've been able to crack open a couple of windows and let some air through the place.....plenty warm enough for walking in the morning....and I went and did the grocery shopping, etc.....also washed down the tub and shower after lunch....the spray stuff I bought that said it took off soap scum actually worked pretty well.....they had Black Forest Ham on sale at the deli section, so I got a half-pound of that for lunch week I'll need to buy another large can of coffee....French Roast......tomorrow I can go the the bank and talk to them about a CD that's rolling over.....I'll take the interest off it to go towards property tax and Christmas.....I've got "Van Halen Radio" going on the stereo from I just finished about 40 or 45 minutes of shredding along with my Silvertone Wolfgang rip-off guitar.....there's a couple of models I've got tweaked on the Fender Mustang amp that work real well with that kind of trip.....I'm perfecting pinch harmonics with a's hard to drop a thumb-pick.....Christmas money might go towards an Epiphone SG Special....I've wanted an SG for a long time, and you can get one on Amazon at a bargain tax and free shipping.....
Tuesday, November 8, 2011
mostly cloudy, 46 degrees
they are saying it might get up to 70 today.....right now it doesn't look like it, but maybe the clouds will burn off or blow away by the afternoon.....watching football over the weekend they kept showing the McRib promotion.....yesterday I thought about going and getting a McRib meal, but first I looked online and read the calories, fat, and sodium.....I decided to save my money.....there was a review online where this newspaper food critic lady decided to see what the hype was about, since she had never had a McRib before....she said she ended up with McRegret....anyway, I might drive over to Walmart after I take my park walk....or I might's just that it's getting to the time of year when I could put some Heet in the gas tank....the stuff that helps the engine start after an overnight can get it cheap at Walmart.....there's nothing to vote on this Election Day in Clinton, no Laurens County polls today.....they are voting in Fountain Inn for city council I think, but nothing right around here.....I can have leftover pork-dressing-fried apples tonight, and then shop tomorrow.....I could get sandwich rolls and make my own BBQ pork sandwich, in lieu of the McRib.....
Monday, November 7, 2011
There was sure lots of sloppy football over the weekend.....some games seemed to consist entirely of interceptions, fumbles, dropped passes, and missed field goals.....well, nobody was forcing me to watch I was around 40 when I went out for the paper....with the time change the sun has an hour to warm things up a bit before 7:30.....which is when I'm ready to go I've read the paper and checked the things online that I usually look at in the morning, and I guess I could go out and walk around the park.....sunny and not too windy right now......
Sunday, November 6, 2011
mid-40's, north wind, overcast
I stayed up 'til midnight watching the LSU game......and slept pretty well until six, which was really seven.....anyway, it was light when I got up.....the hard part of time-change is always convincing your stomach when meal time is......49ers-Redskins are on TV at 1:00, sounds like a good bet for an interesting game......and maybe I'll stay awake for Sunday Night Football since 8:00 will really be 7:00.....or will it be 9:00? to heck with it, too confusing......I put Strawberry Kiwi V8 Splash in my french toast batter this morning.....I have mild country sausage, since one time I bought hot country sausage that was too hot for my taste.....or for my stomach......I guess I can have steak and fries for Sunday supper......the pork under a pile of stuffing surrounded by fried apples was good last night, plenty of stuffing left......I can hear a train going by.....otherwise just a quiet Sunday morning.....I guess I could turn on the stereo and see what it plays.....yesterday it played Sir Douglas Quintet covering Bob Dylan.....that was different.....
Saturday, November 5, 2011
not front porch weather
I tried sitting out there a while, but the north wind is just a little too brisk for I'm back in the living room where there's a south window for the afternoon sun.....but just sitting and reading in a nice warm room has me ready to take a nap.....oh well, go with the flow......
cold but clear
so I got my early walk done OK.....and I'll go walk again in a little bit.....bundled up with multiple layers and a stocking cap and scarf.....north wind is still blowing.....Raiders and Red Devils both lost in the opening round of playoffs last night......going to stay in the high 50's today they say.....there will be another SoCon game on PBS this afternoon, I'll look at that.....and then of course there's LSU-Alabama on in prime time, should be interesting.....I guess I'll make gravy with the pork-steak and dressing tonight.....with fried apples on the side.....can have sausage with my french toast tomorrow morning......the Associated Press says "surprising" Presbyterian takes on Coastal Carolina today.....I guess they are surprised that the Hosers won 2 games so far this season.....London went to standard time last Sunday.....I was wondering why I was getting the 10 o'clock news here at 6 instead of the 11 o'clock news this week.....happy Gunpowder Plot Day!
Friday, November 4, 2011
gave up and pulled off my boots
after lunch.....not going to get any walking done today......13 mph NNE wind keeps blowing showers into I took a nap on the sofa instead of getting outside at all.....standing on the front porch for a few minutes was enough to convince me to go back in the house.....well, I do have something to read anyway.....
steady rain
I drove over to get the newspaper......the rain that started around 9:30 last night was coming from the west and south, so it didn't get real cold overnight.....but the rain now is coming from the west and north, so it's not getting very warm out this morning.....the steak last night was good and tender, and the fries came out that was a successful supper.....I guess I can have leftovers from Wednesday tonight......there's no mall to do mall-walking in bad weather, walking around in Walmart isn't really that interesting.....can't think of anything I need over there either....I slept really well with the rain overnight going on, didn't wake up until six.....I'm usually awake before that......I've got some hamburger, I could make a patty-melt for lunch later......
Thursday, November 3, 2011
the forecast map
shows the rain here around 11 tonight.....might still be raining around dawn.....right now it isn't bad out, fairly warm actually....with a west wind and lots of leaves blowing off trees......I guess I'll have a piece of steak and some fried taters for supper.....with peas as a side.....quesadilla and some olives was lunch today.....took a little nap after lunch.....
Thor's day
one thing about a belly full of "comfort food" like hamburger stroganoff is that I tend to dose off during the evening news.....I try to keep my eyes open for at least one weather report.....after the local news I've been watching the London opens with the British isles weather report....and last night the forecaster was taking us on towards the weekend and saying that it might be rainy and wet for all of us out on Bonfire Night.....I don't think I'll have that problem, since I don't even know what that is.....hopefully it will be clear enough here Friday for the Red Devils hosting an opening round game of the regional football postseason......actually bonfire night has something to do with Guy Fawkes Day, the guy who tried to blow up Parliament way back hell with "Occupy Parliament"....just blow the sucker to bits! The London fire department is always busy on Bonfire Night they say......the rainy weather should get here overnight, and maybe clear out before gametime.....right now it's clear and chilly like the last few mornings....29 windchill on the early walk....about time to go walk some more.....
Wednesday, November 2, 2011
grocery day
Heavy frost again on the dawn walk, today might end up a little warmer than yesterday, and then Thursday there's a 40% chance of I went to the store and got a package of pork steak, that's like cube steak....pre-schnitzled sort of....and some hamburger meat, and some country sausage......I got mushrooms and sour cream because what I want to do is make hamburger stroganoff .......I saw a recipe for that when I was looking for something else and decided to try that since I haven't fixed it in years.....I'll use the small whole-wheat shells as the pasta instead of egg noodles.....won't that work? And I got cornbread stuffing in a box, so I can make country sausage-cornbread stuffing to have with pork steak and fried apples.....and I got russet potato and new york strip steak enough for two meals of steak with steak fries....plenty of food for another week, in other more Chex Mix, the stuff is addictive....for when you're watching sports or a movie.....walked the park after I got back, read the Clinton paper....put a load in the washing machine......
Tuesday, November 1, 2011
feels like November.....low 30's, some frost on the early walk.....trick-or-treat was different this year, with the church event going on across the street.....I think they had something last year too, but this year it was bigger.....they had a bounce house, and hay-rides with trailers pulled by a pick-up and a golf kids started coming by so fast by 6:00 that I just stayed out on the front wasn't too 7:00 my candy was all gone, so I came in and turned off the porch light, and nobody knocked after that.....but the crowd was still there at the church until around 8:30 or so......I went with country fried steak, mac-and-cheese & limas last night....tonight I'm thinking breakfast for supper.....ham slice, eggs over easy, smothered hash-browns.....I still have country gravy to use up on library book I picked up yesterday is pretty fast-paced....I might finish it today.....
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