Wednesday, November 23, 2011

beautiful morning

after a large rain spell in the middle of the night.....the City was trying to get leaves out of the gutter yesterday with their trucks, so they wouldn't clog the storm-drains.....worked most places looks like, except right in front of the church on Academy, where a lot of that pine-straw they use as mulch under bushes stopped the drain and made a flooded sidewalk.....happens at that spot a lot.....real nice for walking, in the 60's with some wind, broken clouds.....Thanksgiving Day should be sunny, mild.....maybe down into the 30's overnight.....on the early walk everything looked deserted, light traffic and no school busses.....they take a five day weekend? We had to go to school the day before Thanksgiving, as best I can recall.....back in the old days......I got a tin of Original Gourmet Christmas cookies to take over tomorrow, so as not to arrive totally empty-handed.....I got the tin with Venice on it.....gondolas, St. Mark's Square in the background? I got that one because I remember having that exact same tin back around 1958 or so....when I was in Cub Scouts.....I kept my Cub Scout pocket knife, pennies, pebbles, sea shells, whatever stuff like that in it.....I can only surmise it's meant to depict Christmas in Italy.....the other tins have Santa's sleigh and more usual such images.....I looked online and it seems the company has been selling the tins since 1938.....did the Scouts sell them as a fund-raiser one year, or is it some school organization I'm thinking of.....the P.T.A. or band or whatever? When Caroline was in school they sold those huge holiday decorated tins of popcorn, various flavors.....

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