Friday, July 22, 2011

cut the grass out back

while most of it was still in the shade.....ended up drenched in sweat.....high humidity again today....never did really cool off much was still rather warm out on the front porch at 11 last night.....there's some breeze right now, to mitigate things a bit.....watched some strange japanese gangster movie last night.....and another movie that said it was "loosely based on a novel by Emile Zola"......on BBC all they talk about is the Murdoch scandal I watched some evening news on Al Jazeera....more revolutions and famines on that news feed.....I think the mail truck went by without stopping here, but I'll go look anyway when I get up off the sofa, where I've been sitting unwinding from the yard-work exertion for a while already.....I heated up a french-bread pizza thingy in the convection/toaster oven yesterday for supper, because those come out sort of mushy in the was tasty, a Lean Cuisine frozen offering.....

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