Sunday, February 26, 2012

26F windchill, mostly cloudy

around 7:30 this at 9:30 it's still at 33 windchill, a lot of the clouds have been blown off to the West by a cold wind.....still some high thin it's sunny on the front porch, but not comfortable enough out there to sit and eat my apple, so I'll eat it inside on the sofa......had french toast with a little fried ham for Sunday juice and coffee.....I swept and ran the vacuum yesterday, so it looks clean for the moment.....watched some documentary last night about the Pacific Theatre.....from 1951....there are more episodes to watch, maybe it was a weekly TV show when I was 3 years old.....yes, there was TV back then....we didn't have one though.....we had a brown bakelite Philco AM radio.....we did have Rural Free Delivery from the Post Office, and the Rural Electrification had billboards with Reddy Kilowatt on them.....a cartoon spokesman for getting your house wired....he had a light-bulb for a head, and the rest of him was made out of lightning bolts.....this county is still officially defined as rural, due to it's low population density.....most areas you can still get 100% home loans under Rural Housing.....Blue Hose basketball seniors played their last game yesterday, a win.....Lady Red Devils lost to Wade Hampton, so the Lady Generals go on to the State AAA Championship game, as the Upper State team.....I don't know who the Lower State team is.....I guess I can have ham and swiss on wheat for lunch later....I have various choices for supper this evening.....figure that out later....

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