Saturday, March 3, 2012

tax dodge

It stopped raining by the afternoon so I was able to get out and walk....I went over and inspected the vacant block between the bank and the Post Office where they are laying in a new parking looks pretty elaborate, with landscaping and storm drains, etc.....and I walked over to Musgrove past the tobacco shop that opened a while back.....I read in the paper about the family that runs the place.....they brought the idea from Texas.....the deal is they buy raw leaf and cure it and shred it for smoking on premises.....this way the per-pack tax is not they sell it to the customer, and they have automatic machines that stuff the product into "roll your own" filter instead of $44 per carton the ciggy-butts are $22 out the door.....American enterprise at work.....earlier the bros and I had our bi-weekly video supper-time I did iron-skillet rib-eye.....lunch was cold corned beef on rye with mayo and wasabi-horseradish mustard......I turned off the TV tonight after the overseas news, and have been trying to read, but my eyes want to slowly close.....

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