Monday, April 30, 2012
late afternoon
86 degrees, got one window open in the living room....and one in the kitchen and one in the bathroom too...and the ceiling fan on low where I'm sitting.....43% humidity.....scattered high clouds....staying around 70 inside....going to have a pork chop, fried green apple, and a cold biscuit with butter and marmalade for supper in a while....Lakers and Clippers have both won their games so far...and the Hawks I think.....took a little nap early afternoon on the sofa....was awake later than normal last night, don't know why....
going to be muggy this afternoon
starting to get that air that flows from south and west....was sixty something on the first walk....and then in a bit I went and paid my car insurance at Allstate....they are moving from that building in May, and it will become a medical clinic....alternative treatments will be offered there, as well as the ordinary's right next to a pharmacy, an old style family run place, not a chain store.....and I went and did the library trip....they have given Emily some time off there of course, so she can tend to cousin Andrew....found something to read....came back and did the park walk, stopping to talk to neighbor Bill in the shade of a big oak....when he tells a story he does it in elaborate detail, so talking with him takes a while.....but I got nothing much to do anyway....meatloaf sandwich for lunch, supper will be pork chop, biscuit and gravy, limas.....I might make a Walmart trip tomorrow might rain here in a while if these clouds keep building up....this month is just about shot, huh....
Sunday, April 29, 2012
scattered showers before dawn
or right around dawn.....walking for the newspaper the streets were damp in places and dry just half a block away....must have been real scattered....this gloom will have to burn off if it's going to get up to the high 80s they are calling for today.....I cooked a sausage patty with my french toast at breakfast....mild country sausage.....the hot kind has become too spicy for my taste....well, the sausage didn't change, my taste did.....too much spicy upsets my innards now a I've finished my library books, but I still have some stories to read in my kindle sci-fi magazine....I was awake at 3:30 this morning, but I got back to sleep and didn't wake up again until 6:00.....I should pay the car insurance when I go past the Allstate office on my way to the library tomorrow, it's due 5/6.....I had meatloaf last night, so today can be pork chop supper.....maybe I'll have a french bread pizza for lunch, like last Sunday.....there's still one in the freezer....and there are some things in the freezer that have probably been there too long by now....they could go into the trash and the trash go out to the street for the Monday morning pick up.....there were a lot of ads in the Sunday paper, making it a thick one.....are there Mothers Day sales, is that what's next?
Saturday, April 28, 2012
walked around some more
I think it's colder now than it was earlier....windier anyway....nothing much going on downtown except some guys working on remodeling the pawn shop location into the new Allstate office....the giant fiberglass cow is gone, with just a banner there now advertising 99 cent handdipped Pet ice cream cones....and I went and inspected the parking lot construction again....looks good to's taking them weeks to do the drainage work....and at the credit union on Pitts workers were getting ready to oil the parking lot....they were doing that at the grocery store shopping center last Wednesday too....maybe not the same workers, but similar workers....the sewer drain appears to still be draining today, so hopefully I've got that situation under control for the time being.....I think I will make a patty melt for lunch...with a dab of BBQ sauce like the last one, that was tasty.....ate my morning apple time I do a pork chop supper I think I'll fry apple wedges as the veggie side....
misting fog
cars with their headlights on....some with wipers on....63F, 100% humidity....I put what was left of the sour cream I bought for the baked potato in with the packet of pepper gravy mix....and had a pork chop, biscuit, and limas with sour cream pepper gravy....I liked I might have meat loaf with gravy on it.....I didn't watch any TV last night, after the local news.....but I didn't get much reading done either....sat out on the porch until almost dark watching the storm clouds and distant lightning.....the storms went around Clinton again.....something bit me.....on the left fore-arm.....I think a spider, not a mosquito....I've put some Prid on it....maybe I should try some Cuticura being another Saturday, I guess I'll walk around the downtown in a while.....I met a new neighbor yesterday around the corner across from the food bank....he got title to his house by paying the back taxes.....a domicile for less than $1000 looks pretty rough, but what the heck? He said they had lived in Laurens, but their house there burned to the ground a while back.....I've got two more pork chops, the meatloaf, and a french bread pizza left for meals this food week.....I have enough hamburger left for one more lunch patty melt too.....maybe for today....
Friday, April 27, 2012
in this week we have gone from frost warnings and nippy cold winds to hot humid and just plain sultry this afternoon.....the sultry feels better to my old bones....
the sidewalks got washed
with all that rain yesterday and last night....might be more this afternoon.....61F early this morning.....stayed almost 70 in the it's a Friday....can't think of anything in particular I need to do I guess I'll just walk some more, eat, listen to music, maybe play guitar, with the iPad....already went through the horoscope says to relax in the afternoon....I can do that....
Thursday, April 26, 2012
Around bedtime
Lots more rain and thunder and lightning....been going on for a while and looks like it will keep going judging from the radar....been watching some 70s cop movie with the blinds open to see the flashes outside too....dang, that one sounded pretty close.....
this is a test
of the amazing bluetooth to admit this is easier to type on then the virtual keyboard....and it makes it easy to keep the thing on your lap....perfect angle to see the screen....good feel to the keys....and there's keys for volume and brightness, etc....and a home screen button that takes you to the ipad version of desktop....all pretty slick for $35 I think.....
iPad gadget in today's mail
I was out talking to a neighbor when the mail I got the thing I ordered from Amazon which is a cover and Bluetooth just snaps right on to the iPad to protect the's the same color and metallic appearance and shape....when you pop it back off you can set it on a table or whatever and the iPad fits on it at an angle leaving you with a full function computer keyboard connected wasn't charged up when it got here, probably because the power swi th was in the on right now it is plugged by the included USB charging cable to the MacBook .....when the charging light goes off hopefully I can follow the directions and get it to sync's starting to rai n right now at eleven in the morning....maybe it will go through in a while and I can get in more walking in the afternoon....
breezy, mostly clear
65 inside and outside this morning when I got going.....the meatloaf came out good.....plenty for sandwiches.....cold meatloaf on wheat is a good thing....but I forgot to get mayo while I was in the store yesterday....can do without.....I do have sausage now for Sunday breakfast it might get up around 80 this afternoon, with a chance of thunder showers late.....I woke up thinking it was Wednesday, but we've already done Wednesday.....the yard and the house look all cleaned up, nothing to do there....just about half of the last library book left before library Monday rolls around....watched news and Brit comedies after supper, and then turned it off and read 'til bedtime....didn't watch any movie....on MOG I came across the new Jack White release....that's pretty good I thought....I like his guitar should be nice out in the back yard again this afternoon, to sit in the sun in the scented garden .....
Wednesday, April 25, 2012
groceries, laundry, vacuum
and it looks like it will be a good day for another walk before lunch.....the blogger posting page has changed....I guess it's going to work the same but it looks different.....they didn't ask me if I welcomed change or not.....I had that chicken pot pie for supper last night, those are good....they are bigger than the kind we used to be served as kids....I used to eat two of those as a teenager....teenagers eat a lot, as I recall....I'm good on bread, eggs, orange juice already.....just need to think of what's for supper each day....well, I'll head on over to the store.....
Tuesday, April 24, 2012
59F at noon
I went and got my shopping done and came back and took care of a couple of things and then went head on and mowed out back inside as cold wind and clouds started coming again....but it's done thing I did was go under the house and inspect to make sure that the sleepers under the floor still look OK.....I hear creaking noises at night and I always wonder if things are falling apart under me.....but it all looks good as far as I can year is when a termite inspection is due....I see no evidence of termites myself, and a guy showed me once what to look for at a previous address.....I guess old houses just have creaking noises....that's what I needed a working flashlight for, going under the house....clouds are coming and's past my lunch time, but I don't feel that hungry....the weekly ads were in the mail, BBQ is featured in the meat section of the grocery store flyer....but I might do meatloaf and baked potato for one thing this time.....and salmon and rice pilaf?
30s again this morning
that "nor'easter" has made for a two day cold snap around here....and I was feeling it in my bones when I got up this morning.....maybe the yard work yesterday had something to do with that....I may or may not get the back yard done today.....there's a couple of things I need at some store today, so I'll make a Tuesday shopping trip...but do my groceries Wednesday as usual.....force of habit.....I need a flashlight that works, maybe one of the new LED kind.....watched some crazy Japanese movie last night with demons in it, sword-fighting demons of course.....and a new edition of Fantasy and Science Fiction magazine showed up on the kindle, so that's something to read....the first story I started is a good one .....they had the farmers on the evening news, talking about the weather damage to berry pork roast dinners are all gone now, but there's still some meat left for sandwiches.....I left the electric heater on in the bedroom during the night, kept the chill off pretty well without turning on the central heat.....the warm and moist pattern should come back soon for a few days, but today the cold dry windy conditions have us under a wildfire watch.....
Monday, April 23, 2012
April nor'easter is what they call it
Snow and heavy rain up the coast on this side of the country .....down here thunderstorms last night, and cold this morning....37F when I went for the paper.....I turned on the central heat briefly to take the chill off the house when I got up for breakfast.....sunny out now, not much wind....but they predict strong winds I'm going to go out and cut grass in the front, while it's cool....finished a library book and a kindle book library book left, due next Monday.....I just had a roast pork sandwich for a little light supper Sunday....and a french bread pizza thing for lunch.....oatmeal for breakfast Monday is the last day of the month, then it's May Day......
Sunday, April 22, 2012
no sausages at breakfast
I forgot to buy more.....59F and light rain.....I think it was raining around six this morning, been on and off since it doesn't look like a good day for walking right now.....maybe I'll have a french bread pizza for lunch, instead of my usual sandwich....this kind of weather is about enough to put you back to sleep....
Saturday, April 21, 2012
walked over to Cooper Motors
and talked to them about renting a van when Brian and Caroline and company are here in June....they are cheaper on a Town & Country than Hertz-AAA for a Dodge Caravan....and the closest Hertz is in Spartanburg.....but they only have one Town & Country to I went ahead and asked the rental lady to pencil me in for 6/4 to 6/11....they don't count Sunday in the seven days for a weeks it will run Monday to need to bring it back by the time you picked it up, so I need to figure how late I'll need it on the 11th, etc....anyway.....had cold sliced pork roast with pickles and mustard and mayo on wheat with Fritos and wine for lunch.....
third day in a row I think
that it's been 55 degrees and overcast for my morning walk.....some rain might come in by this evening, otherwise just cloudy and mid-70s again.....I cut up a roasted red potato into wedges and fried that a little in the olive oil with the piece of rib-eye.....that worked I can just heat up sliced pork roast, another red potato, peas, the microwave for easy meal.....Yankees and Red Sox are going to be on TV late in the afternoon, I'll probably watch some of that.....watched one of those strange movies last night where nothing really happens in the whole movie, as far as I could tell....I guess you are expected to infer plot had some striking photography though....I think they were in the Argentine, down in the part where it snows a lot....something was going on over around the town square last night, you could hear music playing....I think I had read something about some chamber of commerce event.....they have those catering tents set up in the pharmacy school parking lot this morning too, guess they have an event also....I'll take my Saturday walk around downtown later this morning or afternoon....
Friday, April 20, 2012
Steak, potatoes, and peas
Isn't that a lyric from some old blues song? Just give me my steakpotatoesandpeas.....think that's what I'll fix for supper.....stayed overcast all day.......I did fix the shed door, and I thought I might try to clean up the back porch some too....but all I did was look at it all for some minutes....and then just go back out and sit on the front porch again....I had no real inspiration to start going through the boxes on the back porch.....
looks like yesterday morning
but it should get a little warmer today......they changed their estimate of the chance of rain, now the computer models show one front going north of here while another slides by to the south.....leaving the Upstate in the middle again.....that's OK....maybe it won't rain on the Musgrove Mill battlefield history day event tomorrow, where they shoot off muskets and such....when I walk over around the park I go past the old cafe that somebody is running as a bar at night....I've never actually seen it open, but one neighbor said in the paper that she had counted 81 cars there at one in the morning.....with scuffles going on in the street, etc.....a bunch of people want to shut the place down, deny a renewal of a business get the liquor permit in the first place the lady who owns the building had to get a judge to over rule the liquor board....she agreed to close at ten at night.....but now she says in the article that she leased the business to an operator independent of her who therefore has the right to stay open until 2 AM if he wants.....I don't think the powers that be will go for that line of reasoning.....who neighbor said "I think they have strippers in there." I've never heard any noise from that direction myself.....
Thursday, April 19, 2012
low skies, mid 50s
It ended up raining pretty much all day yesterday, and on into the night inch of rain or more in most of the Upstate.....good for the crops.....might get up around 70 this afternoon, and then more rain for tonight and on into the weekend.....I managed to sear that rib-eye just right, pink in the middle....and that was a fairly decent artichoke for the money....though I don't find the real large kind around here like you get in California.....I walked all through the grocery store, trying to see where they moved things....some things didn't move.....all the blue grocery carts have been replaced with green grocery carts? Are they actually new, or just repainted? a mystery.....watched a Jackie Chan movie about the Chinese revolution.....cleaned some things out of the instant queue that had been there a long time but I never got around to watching....the Netflix app on the iPad is easier to use than the program in the Macbook, just touch and go.....I need to vacuum around here looks like, in wet weather I seem to track in more little bits of weeds or whatever....I can go for a walk first.....and I'll get that pork roast in the oven this afternoon....
Wednesday, April 18, 2012
that front reached the Carolinas
One thunderstorm and some rain here last night, and this morning pretty steady rain.....on the radar it looks like it might linger for a any walking so far today was in the grocery store....I found a small pork sirloin roast at a good price, so one thing this week will be that with red potatoes done in the large iron skillet....with sweet peas should make gravy....and for today I'll do steak and now I can read the Clinton paper, and listen to the rain....Stouffer's frozen things were marked down this week, so I got a chicken pot pie and those french bread pizzas I like....a couple of quick fix meals.....I got more Greek yogurt too, that's pretty tasty.....and probiotic.....
Tuesday, April 17, 2012
Humid park walk
It says 100% even though it's not that hot I got sweaty going around my usual route....before walking I went over to the store and got Pepto Bismol, creme soda, and Greek yoghurt .....I'm going to fight this virus or whatever because now it as got down to the bowel stage....hopefully on the way out of my ecosystem altogether.....all three items were on sale today....sitting on the front porch drinking iced creme soda after my walk the jasmine aroma was very pronounced....I like yoghurt for lunch today, instead of a sandwich.....and I can probably finish my book this afternoon.....and take a nap......and thunderstorms will either show up or not.....
not a cloud in the sky
but the weather service says there's a 70% chance of thunderstorms later in the day.....and an 80% chance tomorrow.....the fridge is just about empty, I don't know what's for supper this evening.....could just have some eggs, or a sandwich.....I could go visit Aunt Addie over there in the rehab place but Janet told me on the phone the other day that they have a sign in the window about a virus going around.....and they have those masks available in the lobby if you are worried about the virus....that pretty much scares me off......maybe I already have the virus, since I've felt kind of wiped out for the last week or so anyway.....grumbling innards, lack of energy.....I turned the TV off after the news last night, and read my Mongol horde novel.....half falling asleep from time to time....sat out on the porch some too, nice might be raining by that time tonight.....
Monday, April 16, 2012
shorts and sandals weather
It was a little windy on the morning walk, but the wind seems to have moved the clouds off so it's a sunny blue-sky situation now.....might get into the 80s ......there was an article in the paper about the climate and animal behavior.....the shrimp are running early off the coast, and the turkeys nested months early, etc.....because it was such a warm Winter.....and they can't find where the dolphins went, they aren't in their usual place for this time of year.....but global warming is all a plot by people who hate the coal companies? there are lots of things I don't understand, apparently......the animals seem to understand.....since I went to Taco Bell Saturday, I shifted fish dinner to Sunday, so I still have steak dinner left for Monday.....lunches right now are bologna, swiss cheese, and dill pickle chips with brown mustard on honey wheat berry bread.....with a glass of New York red table wine.....semi-dry, it says on the reminds me of something from San Antonio Winery near Pedley.....I used to get their jug wine all the time....the Taylor jugs are actually cheaper per litre than the box wines at the grocery store.....but the very cheapest is the box wine at Walmart, but I only get that if I happen to be over there for some other reason.....anyway, I suppose I could go walk the park now, because it might be hot later....
Sunday, April 15, 2012
Really nice evening
Sitting out on the front porch with the iPad as it gets dark....Mosquitos aren't in evidence yet so far this season....but lots of frogs and crickets making noise.....spent most of the afternoon reading a novel about Kublia Khan.....did a stately pleasure dome degree, where Alf the sacred river ran through caverns measureless to man down to a sunless sea, has his brothers in it too, and the empires they established....the jasmine is starting to perfume the yard....there's lots of that along one fence and right out the back porch door.....honeysuckle is coming on too......
Warmish fog
Not as cold overnight as the last few nights.....the front that spawned tornadoes in the Midwest might get this far by Tuesday, but won't be as severe by the time it gets here, I'm finished with breakfast, walk, newspaper.....I do have some books to read.....don't see any baseball game on the TV listings that I might watch today.....I downloaded the flashback malware fix from Apple into the MacBook a few minutes ago when it prompted me to do that.....did I have the virus? Beats me....I guess the iOS in the iPad doesn't get the same ills as machines with OSX? Whatever....Mac in general is sure a lot less hassle than Microsoft......well, the house is pretty clean, and the yard is OK another lazy Sunday....
Saturday, April 14, 2012
Excitement in the afternoon
I was watching the Angels beat the Yankees in New York....which doesn't happen all that often....and Brian called saying that he was reserving rooms at the Society House in Charleston for the June vacation event.....googling that reveals pretty spiffy looking accommodations a good location.....and I went ahead and put on Facebook about trying for a family reunion on June 9th at the usual Ora location.....watching Taco Bell commercials all afternoon on the baseball game prompted me to drive across the highway and eat there instead of cooking for myself today....but I didn't get the Doritos tacos after all....I got a taco salad, been a long time since I had one of those....the time and temp sign over there said it was 80 degrees.....
Went over to Laurens square
And walked around the craft fair some.....nothing much interesting.....nice morning though....there's a Yankees and Angels game on TV this afternoon....maybe I'll try watching some of that....probably just fall asleep on the sofa during the fourth inning or so....that's what would happen last it was pork flautas for supper yesterday, and today can be fish fillets with mac and cheese and chile beans as the sides.....can't think of any thing else exciting around here...
Friday, April 13, 2012
Got Caroline on the phone
To say happy birthday, etc...we are going to try to get a stream of messages started with Brian included so we can organize the conquest and occupation of Charleston in June.....and we could figure out how many days we are in which part of the state and all.....or we could just wait and see what happens....I'm still learning how to use the iPad, finding new tricks every day.....well, they look like tricks to me, but it's just the genius of the design really....Apple does do good design....I found out how to move the cursor, and how to copy and's called a touch screen, so things are done by touching the just have to develope the right touch for each thing you want to do.....might take me a I can use the Netflix app after the news and try to find some movie for later in the evening ......can usually find something.....
was cold overnight again
but there's no wind so the early walk was pleasant enough....and the newspaper had made it there this morning might get up close to 90 on Monday.....away from cold and dry and back to warm with thunderstorm chances.....on the national radar it looked like some snow in the Sierras, and rain along some of the coast out there.....but overall 61% of the country is in a drought situation still, says a newspaper article.....I bought a Mega ticket for Friday the 13th....I ate two pieces of birthday cake yesterday, for the twin birthday on the 12th....and today I can eat some more for Caroline's......sounds like a good excuse the fridge I see some tortillas still and some slow-cooked I might make carnitas tacos at suppertime.....the steak last night was tender.....I've got beans too that could go with tacos....I think there's one slice of rye bread left, and then I have a loaf of honey wheat berry.....which is a favorite of mine for toast, and french toast....well, I'm going to go over and gas up the Jeep while I'm thinking about it, I've let it get lower than usual....
Thursday, April 12, 2012
32 degrees when I went for the paper
But the paper wasn't there yet....I'll try again clear and cold today, with winds and high fire danger.....very low humidity.....a bunch of stacked pallets at some other mill were burning yesterday.....I'm always wondering if the stacks of pallets at the mill on the next street are going to get lit up some time......I need gasoline soon....I might drive over to the square in Laurens Saturday where they are having a craft fair.....maybe there will be something interesting to look at.....maybe should be a warmer morning than this, hopefully......I just had scrambled eggs and toast for supper....wasn't very hungry after that big lunch, I think the menu said the Fatz Classic Cheeseburger featured a full pound of Angus beef.....that can't be right.....took forever to eat it anyway.....I just went and looked at the Fatz burger menu's actually called "old fashioned", not "classic", and it's half a pound, not a pound....enough of that....don't know what to fix this evening, can just have my usual half sandwich for lunch today....and I need to get back to eating my apple in the morning, I've missed that for two or three days now, don't know why....
Wednesday, April 11, 2012
Possible explanation for giant cow
I guess some Upstate diary was bought out by PET so now Wilson's is going with them for milk supply, and is also now offering old fashion hand dipped ice cream cones.....if I'm understanding the ad in this weeks paper correctly ......I think Steamers on the square already offers ice cream...don't know for sure, never been in there....anyway, I guess the large parking lot cow has to do with an ice cream promotion......not too much else of interest in the weekly local.....if they don't have much new they will just run an article from last week again......the wind right now is just too raw to go out walking...I've got some sort of head cold already.....I think I got everything I needed at the store, plus I spent seven bucks on a chocolate fudge cake.....first sweets I've bought since holiday fruit cake back last year.....
A day like any other day
But you are've got to be pretty old to remember that show......cold north wind this morning....but the newspapers were there when I got to the store, unlike yesterday.....freeze warning for tonight...never plant before income tax day, is the local wisdom....I'm going to do a sort of half hearted grocery expedition, for some reason I still have meals left from the last trip to the store....but I do need apple cider vinegar and olive oil, and I will probably see other things to buy too....I need to vacuum, maybe this afternoon after I get back from my lunch occasion.....I watched a movie from India last was something like two and a half hours long, a real epic.....the first library book I started looks like a good one....on kindle I've got a history of the War of 1812 by Theodore Roosevelt, from 1882.......well, I guess I can get out and get going....
Tuesday, April 10, 2012
Ten in the morning
And I've finished mowing out back....and took a
shower after newspaper there when I walked that way after breakfast....hopefully they will get things back to normal, or I will have to alter a habit.....which is hard to do in old habit for Wednesdays is of course grocery shopping....but tomorrow is also my birthday....and my annual habit for that is to go out for should I make that all one trip, or two trips? Things become complicated, and I might have to think about I'm thinking that the only place around here where I could get a burger and a beer for lunch is Fatz Cafe.....I suppose they have onion rings....I would much rather have onion rings than fries....hmm, the screen did some odd thing....I don't know how to move the cursor in this program....sounds like the mail just came, I'll go check that was clear and cool out cutting the grass, should be nice the rest of the day too....
Monday, April 9, 2012
Tired myself out
Trimming up the front yard just now.....went over to the library earlier and found three books to read.....should last the three weeks until they are due.....supplemented with kindle material....Emily was working this morning, so I had a chat with her.....they had coffee and cookies out because it's National Library Week I think is what she said....pleasant enough weather so far Wednesday we will be under a cold front....but should be mid 70s this afternoon....I've finished all the corn so I have some frozen veggies I can start on for supper sides.....
Sunday, April 8, 2012
Easter morning
Only three or four cars in evidence on my walk for the paper.....I got yesterday's paper as well as the Sunday paper.....and the Laurens Advertiser Extra was on the front lawn as I've gone through all that and read the comics, etc.....last night I got the Netflix app on the iPad and used it to find a movie from 1973.....the hippie era was weird.....and I watched more strange Brit humor....or humour? So now I have both rib meat and most of a chicken leftover in the fridge for the rest of the evening meals until Wednesday, which is my birthday as well as being grocery day....I might go to the Chinese place for birthday lunch like I did one year.....they have a buffet with lots of good stuff.....or I might think of somewhere else to go before then.....clear and cool here this can watch the Masters to see what the weather is like around here .....I don't think I'll watch it though, golf is mostly just boring to me.....I had rye bread french toast and two sausage links for breakfast.....and orange juice and two mugs of coffee.....tomorrow I should trim and mow out front again.....
Saturday, April 7, 2012
Video conference
Dan got Brian into the meeting that was fun.....Jameson was jumping in some infant jumping device while Tree was fixing pulled pork and slaw for pre-Easter supper, or something like that .....or maybe that was for Easter we had a good chat.....and my pork cooked up fine too, falling apart with a tasty sauce and onion too in the pot.....the weather turned out fine this afternoon, right at 70F......tonight is the fourth and final presentation of the Easter Drama across the street at the Pentecostal church.....they get a pretty good crowd usually, judging from the traffic.....they have authentic looking Roman soldier outfits and all, quite a production ......from what people say.....the neighbors over the back fence have somebody rebuilding the deck around their above ground pool....the old deck was rotten in hammering as been going on at intervals.....other than that, just another kicked back afternoon around here....
giant fiberglass bovine
in the parking lot in front of Wilson's Curb Market this morning.....crisp early walk, but not as cold as they were saying it would get on the news last night....they were saying a chance of frost, but it was 44F I got the Friday paper this morning, the Greenville News is having problems in the circulation the guy at the store said the Saturday paper wouldn't be here until 10:30.....but hopefully things will be back to normal after the weekend.....and he says in a couple months the Sunday paper is going up to $2.50.....dang, life is tough all over.....I forgot to check the sign in front of the Clinton Museum to see what time the Easter Egg Hunt is today.....I can take a walk over there later I suppose....stayed up 'til 11 watching old movies, and then slept like a rock.....pretty much through until 6:30.....Friday's supper was just like Thursday' I might slow cook some country ribs.....I still have some corn on the cob....roughage is good for you, says the old fellow.....
Friday, April 6, 2012
Did get out some
Went and walked around the mill park with the 46 degree windchill....wearing my windbreaker.....a couple of days ago it was sandals and shorts conditions .....the wind was trying to knock me over a couple of times....finished with my library books.....probably something on the kindle I could read.....but right now I think I'll take a nap on the sofa....or at least just stretch out for a bit......
cold, wet, windy
I saw a tree down over on Academy when I was driving to get the paper.....but there wasn't any I'm glad I didn't walk over there in the cold wet and not find the paper there.....maybe the power was out where they print the paper or something....20 degrees cooler today than earlier in the week is the prediction.....on the BBC news weather report this week they have been showing blizzards over much of the country.....Spring break, or Easter holidays as they call it, was snowed out largely.....but in the south of England a "hose pipe ban" went into effect actually have to take your garden hose and put it in the shed.....the worse drought over there since 1976.....I don't own a hose.....I left one at Lake Wohlford....haven't needed one around here for watering anyway, things grow fast enough without buying any extra water....and I wash the Jeep at the coin wash, with the long handled gizmo.....the BBQ chicken came out just right, moist and juicy and the skin flavorful from the sauce.....and the sweet corn I got earlier in the week is good too....don't know where it's from exactly, they just say that the produce in "grown in the South".....mostly anyway, I guess they count Mexico and South America and southern California as South in some instances.....this corn might be from Florida, 'cause the local corn isn't in evidence it looks like I'm stuck in the house this morning, with more stormy weather blowing down from the north-east .....could be another nasty day at the Masters down the road a piece from here....
Thursday, April 5, 2012
I forgot
To put the chicken in the crock pot this I'll oven roast it's supposed to be cooler today, with a good chance of storms in the afternoon....beautiful day so far, got my walking done and am about to go eat my apple on the front porch.....poached egg on wheat toast for breakfast, lunch will be grilled Swiss on rye with thick bologna, and then the bird for supper with corn on the cob and macaroni salad......I'm putting BBQ sauce and sweet pickle relish on the chicken, and garlic inside it.....sounds like the mailman just drove past without mail yesterday either....
Wednesday, April 4, 2012
By late afternoon
It's in the I turned on the ceiling fan in the living room....first time since last year...but on the radar some rain might get here in a while and cool things off some......the sundown storms we've been having lately.....
more thunder storms
after dark Tuesday.....some brief heavy rain.....nice this morning, and should be fairly hot late today and then cool off quite a bit tomorrow with another front coming down.....I think that's what they said on the news.....I opened a can of chunky chicken corn chowder for supper, that worked well enough....plenty to eat.....right now I'm heading over to the grocery store and I'll go out for my park walk after I put stuff away....cleaned leftovers out of the fridge, to make a clean start on the food week....I wonder if all the rain we've had lately is slowing up the parking lot work, 'cause they don't seem to be going very fast.....should the ground be dry when you pave it over?
Tuesday, April 3, 2012
Stayed up til midnite
To see the end of the basketball....there were a couple of heavy thunderstorms in the evening...this morning is cooler and overcast....I moved my MacBook to the desk in the parlor, so now it is in effect a desktop computer...the iPad plugs into it to charge back up overnight .....with the virtual keyboard on the IPad you can type in a dark room easily, since it's lit up.....I had a piece of pork with mashed potatoes, gravy, green beans for supper.....might be the same thing this evening......or maybe scrambled eggs in flour tortillas with's humid lately, mold spores are high...I think everyone has a runny nose.....pretty soon I'll get out for more walking, should be nice out for that.....the Allstate office is moving from a couple of blocks across the tracks to one of the old buildings on Main......I could walk over to renew when I need to.....I go behind that block on my early walk every morning......predicted high of 75 did get to 88 yesterday I think......two more hamburger buns left.....
Monday, April 2, 2012
This is going to work just fine
I was reading the other day about the pros and cons of iPad 2 vs. the new IPad....I don't care about gaming or watching videos at all on a small device, so I was thinking about the 2 as maybe all I needed.....a hundred bucks cheaper.....and when I went into Walmart today to buy trail mix I saw that they had the 2 on I bought one and am slowly getting to understand how to work it.....the keyboard is really neat.....and the maps app is cool......etc.......
going to get pretty warm
predicted 86F for Laurens County this afternoon.....short sharp storm last evening around sunset, thunder and rain and wind.....but clear this I should go walk while it's still cool, and then I'll ride over to Walmart, mainly for some more of the inexpensive tropical trail mix....and I could get orange juice there too, I don't think there's quite enough left for Tuesday and Wednesday morning, the next regular grocery day......and I was thinking of something else for over there but right now I can't remember what it is......sounds like the City tree truck is working around the corner....maybe that sharp wind dropped a tree branch down on the sidewalk.....
Sunday, April 1, 2012
the storm went to the west last night
I could see lightning flashes in the distance out the living room window while watching the FinalFour .......I don't think it even rained here much.....but some areas were flooding it said on the news between the two games.....cousins posted facebook images of hail in Greenville.....very nice out by Sunday morning.....should get up around 80 again.....I should run the vacuum, those oak pollen thingies keep getting tracked in .....I can use the last of the fajita fixings today, if that's what I feel like by supper time.....I might tell mog to play U2 all day long.....there was a thing in the Sunday paper about how people can get by with smaller houses now, since they don't really have much to store on shelves because they just stream it all from the cloud....that's true....why get my albums and turntable off the back porch storage and jammed somehow into the living room when I can play just about any of them by pushing buttons on the roku remote? Except iTunes has the Beatles' rights so I have to push different buttons to hear them ......
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