Monday, April 23, 2012

April nor'easter is what they call it

Snow and heavy rain up the coast on this side of the country .....down here thunderstorms last night, and cold this morning....37F when I went for the paper.....I turned on the central heat briefly to take the chill off the house when I got up for breakfast.....sunny out now, not much wind....but they predict strong winds I'm going to go out and cut grass in the front, while it's cool....finished a library book and a kindle book library book left, due next Monday.....I just had a roast pork sandwich for a little light supper Sunday....and a french bread pizza thing for lunch.....oatmeal for breakfast Monday is the last day of the month, then it's May Day......

1 comment:

  1. Some brisk exercise out there with the lawn mower....cold wind blowing all of a sudden.....didn't get sweaty anyway, with the dry wind blowing right through me....
