Sunday, April 8, 2012

Easter morning

Only three or four cars in evidence on my walk for the paper.....I got yesterday's paper as well as the Sunday paper.....and the Laurens Advertiser Extra was on the front lawn as I've gone through all that and read the comics, etc.....last night I got the Netflix app on the iPad and used it to find a movie from 1973.....the hippie era was weird.....and I watched more strange Brit humor....or humour? So now I have both rib meat and most of a chicken leftover in the fridge for the rest of the evening meals until Wednesday, which is my birthday as well as being grocery day....I might go to the Chinese place for birthday lunch like I did one year.....they have a buffet with lots of good stuff.....or I might think of somewhere else to go before then.....clear and cool here this can watch the Masters to see what the weather is like around here .....I don't think I'll watch it though, golf is mostly just boring to me.....I had rye bread french toast and two sausage links for breakfast.....and orange juice and two mugs of coffee.....tomorrow I should trim and mow out front again.....

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