Saturday, April 28, 2012

misting fog

cars with their headlights on....some with wipers on....63F, 100% humidity....I put what was left of the sour cream I bought for the baked potato in with the packet of pepper gravy mix....and had a pork chop, biscuit, and limas with sour cream pepper gravy....I liked I might have meat loaf with gravy on it.....I didn't watch any TV last night, after the local news.....but I didn't get much reading done either....sat out on the porch until almost dark watching the storm clouds and distant lightning.....the storms went around Clinton again.....something bit me.....on the left fore-arm.....I think a spider, not a mosquito....I've put some Prid on it....maybe I should try some Cuticura being another Saturday, I guess I'll walk around the downtown in a while.....I met a new neighbor yesterday around the corner across from the food bank....he got title to his house by paying the back taxes.....a domicile for less than $1000 looks pretty rough, but what the heck?  He said they had lived in Laurens, but their house there burned to the ground a while back.....I've got two more pork chops, the meatloaf, and a french bread pizza left for meals this food week.....I have enough hamburger left for one more lunch patty melt too.....maybe for today....

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