Thursday, December 29, 2011

Blue Hose Black Knights

not a song title.....PC beat Army last night, over there about half-way to the grocery store.....27 degrees here at dawn, heavy frost.....clear, calm.....we should all strive to be clear and I'll wait a while before going on another walk, see if it warms up out of the 30s.....the weatherman is saying that a cold snap is coming with the new year, highs in the 40s next week, lows in the 20s the teens in the mountains.....tasty curry last night.....this morning it still had a curry smell in the foyer or entrance hall, where the down-draft is for the central odors always get sucked there ......didn't watch any movies last night, am trying to get through the library books stacked on the end table.....and next week I should get the Kindle Touch, and have all the reading material I desire, is what they advertise.....eight chili dogs for $2.75.....Bi-Lo had weiners for a buck, and buns for a buck, and that good chili-dog type chili for .75 a can.....not Texas Pete, but the east coast kind....forget the name at the moment.....I think I still have turkey for one more sandwich, cheap lunches this week.....

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