Monday, December 12, 2011

they changed the forecast

now they think it might rain here today.....but the storm down around Columbia seems to be moving to the east, and it would have to move north to get to Clinton.....clouded over and cold though, with that pesky north wind still blowing......I didn't watch anything but football yesterday, and just one little spot of local news in there somewhere.....went to bed at ten, half-time of the Sunday Night game.....the library will open in a few minutes, so I'll head over there and turn in my books and look for some more......I don't think I need anything at the store while I'm out that way.....I can keep working on the tortillas, for lunch and supper I guess.....I've used up the pintos, but I have a can of frijoles refritos still......probably enough cheese to last 'til Wednesday.....

1 comment:

  1. at the library, cousin Emily was the librarian who checked out my books for me.....their computers were down so she had to do it on a sheet of paper.....writing down my card bar code, and the bar codes of the when the system restores they can punch it all in....
